Find Your DISC Work Style

Take this test to discover your work personality based on the DISC profile.

As Seen In

The Four DISC dimensions


Individuals with a high dominance dimension tend to be assertive, decisive, and goal-oriented, often taking charge and leading others.


Those with a high influence dimension are typically outgoing, sociable, and persuasive, enjoying interactions with others and seeking to motivate and inspire.


People with a high steadiness dimension are known for their patience, reliability, and supportive nature, preferring stability and harmony in their relationships and environments.


Individuals with a high conscientiousness dimension are detail-oriented, organized, and analytical, focusing on accuracy and quality in their work and decision-making processes.

The DISC Test offers a validated framework for categorizing work styles.

The DISC Test is a standout choice among personality assessments when it comes to understanding work styles and optimizing team dynamics. Tailored specifically for assessing work personality and behaviors, the DISC Test provides invaluable insights into individuals' preferred communication styles, approaches to problem-solving, and contributions to team dynamics.

One of the primary advantages of the DISC Test lies in its focus on work-related behaviors and preferences. Unlike more generalized personality tests, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the DISC Test hones in on specific traits and tendencies that directly impact how individuals interact and perform in a work setting.

Moreover, the DISC Test offers a straightforward and easily understandable framework for categorizing work styles based on four key dimensions: Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C). By identifying individuals' primary and secondary DISC styles, teams can gain valuable insights into how to leverage each member's strengths, mitigate potential conflicts, and foster a collaborative and productive work environment.

Another notable advantage of the DISC Test is its practical applicability in working with teams. By understanding their own DISC profile and those of their colleagues, team members can enhance communication, adapt their approach to different personalities, and capitalize on the diverse strengths present within the team.

“This was eye-opening in so many levels. I now see and understand myself in a totally different way.”

Alex R.

“Basically my life explained.”

Lara B.

“I can’t thank the team enough for creating such an insightful test.”

Sarina V.

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Whether you're curious about your strengths and weaknesses, seeking guidance on career paths that align with your natural tendencies, or simply looking to gain a deeper understanding of your relationships and interactions with others, our range of quizzes covers it all.

But we're more than just a platform for personality testing. Our website also offers a wealth of resources, including articles, blogs, and expert advice, to help you navigate the complexities of human personality and harness your unique qualities to achieve your goals.

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